Saturday, March 29, 2008

A memorable day.

I started some new volunteering today, for an organisation called 'Family Friends'. It is all about befriending a child with a disability and taking them out for a couple of hours each week or fortnight. I chose each week as I felt it would provide the best opportunity to build up a relationship and give the child a chance to look forward to an outing on a regular basis. There are many reasons why this is difficult for the family concerned, but can often mean giving the family a break or a chance to give other children some attention.
I have been linked with a little boy who is nine and suffers with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. He has two brothers and one sister, all younger than him. What a lovely family they are, although I appreciate it must be really difficult for the Mum.

On our first outing we went down to Eastham Country Park. We fed the squirrels with nuts, went exploring in the woods and even came across an old bear pit! We both had a great time, finished off with a well deserved ice cream!


Leigh Russell said...

This sounds like a great idea. I work in a school which has some children with similar types of difficulties - Aspies and ADHD. Respite for the families must be a godsend, and what a lovely outing for the child. Good work!

Anonymous said...

I have ADHD

from tommy

Monique said...

How long did it take for this child to accept you? I know some children and it takes ages before they even acknowledge you.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Leigh & Monique.
Thanks for your comments. We went out for the second time this Saturday and visited Hadlow Station in Williston. It is a restored 1950's station, not actually used anymore.
I got on well with the little boy as soon as we met, which was during a visit organised by the co-ordinator. We then went on our first outing the following Saturday. His brothers and sister are also really friendly and give me a great welcome when I visit.

Little Miss Curious said...

Hi David, Just found your blog through Anne Lyken-Garner's blog, and like what you write about. Will come back for more.


David John Caswell said...

Dear Anita,
What a lovely name! Thanks very much for visiting and your kind comments. I will have a look at your blog when I get a moment! Do keep in touch!