Sunday, September 21, 2008

Peaches Geldoff.

I always think you can be a little more adventurous with a girl’s name than a boy’s. Paula Yates and Bob Geldof have certainly pushed these boundaries to the limit. In a strange way though, I think the name ‘Peaches’ has gradually grown on me.

Bob Geldof has had to endure a lot of criticism since the death of Paula Yates, especially with regards to his daughter. I am sure Bob could have taken a more effective role in the parenting of his daughter by his own admission, but I’m certain that could go for most parents, never mind those in the glare of constant publicity, from a media ready to pounce on the least transgression. It must be even harder to be strict on a daughter who at an early age has dipped her toe in the ‘ocean of plenty’, tasted the sweetness of notoriety, and found herself quite liking it.
Peaches was quoted as saying ‘I felt like thirty when I was thirteen’. Children are too eager to become adult these days, whether it is dressing provocatively, smoking, drinking, having girl friends/boy friends, and taking part in adult type relationships. With both parents often working these days, the proliferation of computers and game consoles, all of which detract from ‘family participated activities’. Maybe children are prematurely searching for ‘love and attention’ that is often so lacking at home, in the only other way that is constantly presented to them.


Middle Ditch said...

I have to fully agree with you here. I work in a boarding school and the 13 year olds are already having sex AND on the pill with parental agreement. Such a shame.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Middle Ditch,
I think being on the pill is better than an unwanted pregnancy, whatever the age. However I agree it is very sad that children so young feel the need to become involved in a sexual relationship so early. They should enjoy their childhood as children and wait until they are old enough to appreciate that sex is much more than a physical act and be emotionally mature enough to enjoy it as part of a loving relationship.


Kelli said...

I agree completely on the age and maturity issue. I'm not that old but it blows my mind when I hear of a middle schooler having a baby. I had a classmate in 7th grade who had a baby, and it floors me to think that her daughter just graduated from high school! I can't even imagine. As for Peaches, God bless her and her sisters...they are quite famous for their over the top hippy names. I have to say that "Peaches" is a cute name in general though...maybe as a nickname, or for a puppy?

David John Caswell said...

Hi Kelli,
I can see that you are far too attractive and intelligent to be caught in such a trap. You are obviously the type of girl who will have children for all the right reasons. Not so sure about a puppy called Peaches though!