Sunday, November 18, 2007

Charity or self indulgence....

With the likes of the 'Spice Girls' hi-jacking 'Children In Need' as a vehicle to promote their own money making machines, we have to ask ourselves, what is 'Children In Need' all about?

Everyone likes to think they act with integrity, so is it all about self indulgence and enjoying ones self?

Does 'Children In Need' really mean not having the right trainers, a flat screen TV in your bedroom or the latest mobile phone?

The government talks about eliminating child poverty, but does it really exist in the UK today?

Is it more about incompetent and selfish parenting?


Anonymous said...

As for the Spice Girls I'm not sure if they get paid for their lack of skill or just do it for the media exposure.Speaking of exposure,I've just checked out michael piper images and recon this guy has got some talent and will go far.Think I might throw some work his way myself.
As for Wogan ,he's just a tired old Togg that needs to jack it all in and stop boring the stuffing out of us lesser mortals.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Children in need hyjacked the Spice Girls to promote their money making machine as well as the other way round!
Who is Michael Piper - Do you know him?
How much does Wogan get paid?

David John Caswell said...

While I have to agree that Mr Piper has some talent, I think he still has a lot to learn, especially with regards his Photoshop skills. I think we will let people make their up their own mind with regards your comments about Wogan!

David John Caswell said...

Thank you for your comments Liz. I have to agree you may have a point there with regards the Spice Girls. With reference to Mr Piper, yes I do know him, he is a highly regarded engineer at my place of work. I think we all need to encourage people with great ambition. Have a look at my photographic web site at:

Anonymous said...

Dave knows where I'm working. My maid's mother and converted from Hinduism to Chriatianity. She's a lovely hard working lady.(A twice widow) She placed her now 16 year old daughter in a Catholic orphanage at age 5 so she would get an aducation. The place is a long way away so she doesn't get to see her much. When my sister stayed with me the daughter was much taken with her fairly new mobile phone, (they are very poor and she doesn't own one)On my return from UK leave my sister gave it to me to pass on. She was over the moon. Her mother comes round to my apartment on Sundays to 'phone her.Tonight the young lady was tearful as school fees for next year are coming up. I said no worry I'll pay, about £25. The response made me feel very small. The free education I reluctantly received they would kill for here. Think on't.