Thursday, November 22, 2007

To Maddie with love......

Detective agency ‘Metodo 3’ bring new hope, but why make their investigation so public?

Would it not be wiser to keep Madeleine’s abductors oblivious to any progress?
Although it is always possible that the McCann’s were involved in her disappearance, the police should have been left to investigate such possibilities with tact and understanding. Countless speculation through the media must have been a living nightmare for her family.
It seemed that Kate and Gerry were condemned whatever decisions they took in the months that followed Maddie’s disappearance. Those that criticised her parents for their actions both on and after that fateful evening need to look very closely themselves. In my opinion there is nothing worse that a self-righteous bigot who is always so wise after the event. A person who has never deviated from perfection, made a decision that they could have later regretted or have had judgment passed against them on.
Kate and Gerry need to carry on for the sake of their other children, to have pretence of normality. A little moment of pleasure or fun captured with their twins and maybe Maddie forgotten for a fleeting moment, only for the grim reality to come flooding back, along with the guilt. The living nightmare continues, relentlessly.

The return to England, along with Gerry’s decision to return to work, must have been a torturous, but necessary decision. Almost like admitting to themselves that Maddie had gone and it was time to move on. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Anonymous said...

top site dave from glen

Anonymous said...

hi dave from bambi

BSM said...

When you're not sure what to say, sometimes better to say nothing. The McCanns may be clever enough to pull off a cover up, but I'm not convinced either way.
You have surprised me with the quality of debate on your blog; any comments I make fall in your shadow.