Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sale bargains?

We live very close to a retail estate, where there are many shops that sell household goods, electrical goods and clothes. Everyday since Christmas Day I have witnessed the gridlock of never ending streams of traffic to the spending frenzy!

It never ceases to amaze me what comes over the population, when that magic word 'sale' is plastered across the media. I was always told a bargain is only a bargain if you actually need it! Sadly it seems that I am in the minority and common sense goes out of the window.
That may be fine if you actually have the money, but with credit card debt at a record high, this hardly seems the case.
In years gone by credit was a dirty word, whereas today it is socially acceptable, if not trendy.
The weak and vulnerable are exploited by our capitalist society and the financial money machine rolls on. Even the young are indoctrinated into thinking that credit is acceptable, as students are forced into significant debt as they start out on that rock path we call 'life!'.....namely as student loans!
Please read a fascinating article written by Anne Lyken-Garner. Find the link below:


Mom Of Thomas said...

I tell my mother all the time that it is only a good deal if you were already planning to purchase the item. She still doesn't grasp that concept.


I came over here after reading your comment on my blog. Feel free to email me anytime ( there isn't much I haven't researched in regards to CP and treatments, but I'm always open to learning more.

Middle Ditch said...

Credit is not only acceptable it is actively encouraged by those who will then pocket your money.

It's the same with banks who rob you blind after all those juicy promises.

I also think it crazy to go berserk when the sales are on. Maybe it is our age.

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Hi David, thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm glad you liked it. I've just read your new post here and I couldn't agree more.

Could I leave you a link to an article I've recently written on this very subject.

You are so right!

David John Caswell said...

Dear Anne,
Thanks for your kind comments. What an interesting article..I have included a link within my original post..hope you don't mind!I often think, what would go through the mind of a space traveller visiting our planet..Half with untold riches, while the rest live in poverty and hardship.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Mom of Thomas,
Thanks for visiting and I will e-mail you soon. Have you clicked on the link to 'Stick & Step' on my home page?

David John Caswell said...

Dear Middle Ditch,
Hello again. I think it must be our age, as I just get accused of being miserable and tight!

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

I don't mind at all David, in fact, thanks for the link.

Monique said...

David, I have created a new blog. Come and have a look.


Anonymous said...

good work dave