Saturday, January 5, 2008


Do we all appreciate how lucky we are? I don't believe many of us do.

Of course many of us have more reasons to be thankful than others, but without exception there is always someone worse off than yourself.

Don't get me wrong I am not being patronising....for many years I could never understand why anyone would want to participate in volunteer work....why if you have a little spare time, not get a part time job and earn some extra money.

I've always loved children and as mine get older and supposedly less dependant, I missed the involvement with younger children.

It was then that I decided to look for a worthwhile volunteering opportunity that involved children. I found a fantastic website that helped me called

It was then that I discovered a marvellous charity called 'Stick & Step', which as described in my profile, work with children affected by Cerebral Palsy. Give the link above a mouse click and find out a bit about's fascinating.

After working with the children for a while now, I think I really do now appreciate how lucky I am. The children our amazing! Despite their problems, they have such a zest and vitality for life...something that could put many of us to shame!

Children don't need expensive gifts and extravagant gestures, all they need is your time. Give them that and you are rewarded ten fold...with their love and trust. These children are no different to any other in this respect.


Monique said...

It puts healthy people like us to shame, doesn't it?

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
I’ve come to the opinion that a person’s disability is in fact another facet to their character, which actually adds to their personality and makes them more of an individual.

Mom Of Thomas said...

I always say to anyone who asks if I ever wished my son didn't have CP: "Having CP is part of what makes Thomas who he is. If not having it meant I'd have a different version of him, then no, I'd never wish it away."

And it's true. He is a joy to be around, and part of his appeal is his love of the simple things in life. Each accomplishment, no matter how big or small, is more exciting because it is unexpected and miraculous.

I think your work with the charity is commendable. The world needs more people like you. ;o)

Monique said...

You are, of course, so right. I should be ashamed.

On a lighter note I would like to tell you that after several votes (which was a lot of fun) Grindhirst won by one vote and I have posted the first seven scenes.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Mom of thomas,
Thanks for your kind comments.I don't think I deserve some of your comments though. I take part because I really love children, rather than any great desire to do good.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
I'm glad Grindhirst won...I'm going to take a look now.
Look forqward to speaking to you soon.

Monique said...

Thank you so much for your comment. Hope to hear more from you soon.