Friday, January 11, 2008

Fear of change!

Why is it that us humans have an instinctive negative reaction to change? One example that always springs to mind is the mobile phone mast debate. Everyone is always against one being sited in their neighbourhood, but these would often be the same people who would be first to complain if the reception on their mobile was poor!
We live in Wirral, across the River Mersey from Liverpool. Everton football club, in association with Tesco, are in the process of considering a ground move to Kirkby, which is technically outside the city boundary. The development is going to bring significant regeneration and investment to an area desperately in need of the opportunity, but guess what...the NIMBY brigade are dead against it!

But hey, make your own mind up. 'Keep Everton In Our City', for the short sighted or 'The Kirkby Project' for those who have a little vision!


Middle Ditch said...

It makes you smile, doesn't it?

Monique said...

Thank you so much for that wonderful compliment. It made me feel really good. I always thought Grindhirst would make real nice watchable TV, but after nearly nine years trying to get it produced, I have for now given up.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
Don't ever give up or question your own talent. Just need that one lucky break! Will make success all the more fulfilling when it comes. Will visit again very soon.

david mcmahon said...


I've got the perfect solution for you. Move here to Australia.

Cellpphone reception is great all round the country - and you can still follow the English Premier League and of course the added benefit is that it's summer here!!

Wot about it?



David John Caswell said...

Hi David,
Thanks for dropping by! Sound like rather an attractive proposition, especially when the weather is rather cold, miserable and damp at the moment! Not that the mobile reception is very important to me, I just find peoples stance on something's rather amusing. What weather are you enjoying at the moment? Do keep in touch! I will take a visit to your blog before lunchtime ends!

Anonymous said...

keep going dave

David John Caswell said...

Dear Bambi,
Great to hear you are still around. When are you going to start your own blog?