Saturday, January 19, 2008

The tragedy of forbidden Love.

Imagine the devastating truth to emerge, that the person you had fallen in love with, enjoyed a deep satisfying sexual relationship with and later married was actually your twin.

But this was the devastating reality that emerged for a couple recently, highlighted by Lord Alton in the debate over the Human Embryology and Tissues Bill in Parliament.

It would be bad enough to discover that your new husband or wife was being unfaithful or had a dark secret from the past of which you were unaware. Even if it resulted in the break-up of your marriage, at least you could move on, put it behind you, however traumatic. But the situation for this couple must have been ten times worse. Not only has their world fallen apart, as well as their marriage, but they would need to restructure their whole thinking about each other, from one of desire to one of sibling affection.

I suppose it could have been even worse! What if the wife had been heavily pregnant, or even already had a child with her twin. How would the child fit into the new structure of the parent’s lives?

It now seems probable that this story is in fact not true. However, it still raises an interesting dilemma and is very thought provoking!


Monique said...

What a dilemma eh? I read about it in the Times.

Luckily nowadays they keep siblings together.

David John Caswell said...

Hi Monique,
A fascinating, but desperately sad situation. There are so many different aspects of this story to think about.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,I'm guessing they were not identical twins!Tim

David John Caswell said...

Dear Tim,
I think you may be correct in your assumption. Very impressive powers of deduction you have Mr Tim.

Anonymous said...

hello dave from all at J C B

David John Caswell said...

Hi Jimmy,
Thanks for leaving a comment, call again soon.

Anonymous said...

hello dave from bambi