Friday, February 22, 2008

A welcome gesture!

Life can often seem so cruel. Children and adults alike affected by disabilities and life threatening illnesses that they have done nothing to deserve. Life is so precious and it is so sad to see the high instances of suicides in Bridgend, South Wales. Only this week Jenna Parry became the 17th suicide in the town in little over a year. Why is it that young people seem to feel such a desperate measure is the only solution to their problems?

As we seem to be continually bombarded by tales of despair, desperation and a decent measure of injustice, it was refreshing to hear about the amazing good fortune of Mark Gurrieri. A chance meeting with Dr Britt, through a mutual friend, resulted in a diagnosis of acromegaly, a tumour at the base of the brain. A condition if left untreated, that can cause blindness, diabetes and premature death.

Dr Britt’s suspicions were first raised after shaking Mark Gurrieri’s hand. A ‘fleshy feeling’ to his hand, together with his large facial features, resulted in a warning that quite likely saved his life!


Monique said...

Glad to hear that there are still caring doctors around.

Did you know about those conspiracy theories that are flying around? Apparently there is a mass murderer on the loose who hangs all those kids and makes it look like suicide.

Could it be? Stranger things have happened.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
No, I haven't heard about the conspiracy theories..sounds interesting, I will do a little research on that.

Anonymous said...

who is that big fat girl dave from tommy

Anonymous said...

Adele look's like she lives in Mc donald's From tommy

David John Caswell said...

Dear Tommy,
Your suggestion is rather cruel, especially when we have no way of establishing the true reason for her build. At least adults have a choice, I feel especially sorry for children, whose parents cave in to their demands of the likes of ‘Happy Meals’, when they are too wrapped up in their own lives to prepare nutritious meals for their children. If that’s what you spend your child tax credits on, which I think is probably the case, then you should look closely at yourself before judging others.