Saturday, March 8, 2008

Have some bottle, stick to tap!

With UK tap water having one of the strictest drinking water safety regimes in the world, why do we have an obsession with bottled water? Everyone objects to the cost of petrol, which has currently broken the £1 per litre barrier, but think nothing of spending up to £1 for half a litre of bottled water. With the health benefits, as compared to tap water, considerably over rated, we should be more concerned with the environmental impact.

In excess of two billion litres of bottled water are consumes in the UK every year, with over a quarter coming from abroad. The industry produces as much green house gas as the electricity consumption of about 20,000 homes in a year.

Most of the water is contained in bottles manufactured in PET plastic. The majority of these will eventually end up in landfill, which guess what…take 450 years to break down.

On a bighter note, a company called Belu will use Britain’s first biodegradable bottle, which is made of ‘corn’ and will break down into soil within ten weeks.

Perhaps some of you spring water consumers can put down your glasses for a moment and justify your obsession?


Michael said...

I've used Belu before - it really does compost (except for the plastic top, obviously).

Bottled water is nothing but a triumph of marketing over intelligence.

dabrah said...

Mea culpa. I go through periods of drinking bottled water, mainly because I like the taste of some of the brands. Then I become disgusted with myself for all the plastic this generates, so I'm back to using a water filter.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Michael,
Thanks for visiting. I'd never heard about Belu until recently, it seems amazing to make a bottle out of corn. I thought the product was about to come to the market, but you have actually come across their products? Please visit again! I will check out your blog very soon.

David John Caswell said...

Hi Dabrah,
I must admit I buy a certain amount for my daughter..Volvic orange and peach! Only because I think it is better than pop, which I refuse to buy! To a certain degree it's to do with branding..I suppose tap water is the equivalent to Primark in the fashion stakes.
I will have a look at your blog as soon as I can!

Monique said...

Never use it. It's a great con. I have bottles with cool water in the fridge but the water comes from the tap and the bottles are used wine bottles.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
What a wise lady you are! These people must be laughing all the way to the bank..clever marketing though you have to admit! I think similar thinks when I see bags of ice cubes in the freezer section of our local Asda! Are we so lazy or just stupid? Maybe it is just 'convenience' taken to the extreme!

Monique said...

That's new to me ... ice cubes in a supermarket? Blimey.

I really get mad when I see my neighbours drive their car to our local shop, buy a newspaper and then drive back. It's a two minute walk! Lazy ...
