Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tip of the iceberg!

I was amazed to recently find out that their is a loophole in the law that allows unscrupulous restaurants to use tips to make up employees wages to the minimum wage.

I never leave a tip, not because I am mean (well maybe just a bit!) but because I believe an employee should be paid a decent wage for carrying out their job and not expect tips as a perk. Why is it that some professions expect tips and others do not? You may tip a hairdresser or bar staff, but would not think of tipping the cashier at the local supermarket! It is a system that is open to abuse by both employees and employers. Should a tip go to the person who served you or be shared between the rest of the staff? What should happen to the tip added to the credit card bill?
So many unanswered questions! I think this is clearly an issue that need to be taken up by the unions, especially after the sacking of Nabil Guiguis by Pizza Express, for allegedly speaking out against the unfair deduction from staff tips at the restaurant group.


Monique said...

David, as you are such a faithful listener of Middle Ditch, I am very sad to announce that Paul Hart who plays Alan the publican has suddenly died today Saturday May 10.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
So sorry to hear about Paul. It must be such a shock to lose a loved one so suddenly. Love and best wishes to his family at such a sad time.