Saturday, December 1, 2007

Little more thought perhaps?

News story on BBC radio.

Woman complained to her local post office about her parcel delivery, which contained approximately £100 worth of DVDs ordered from an online store.

Not having been home when the parcel was delivered, she later found a note that had been posted through her door. In it she was informed that her valuable consignment had been placed in her wheelie bin, to offer protection from the weather and any opportunistic thief!
Unfortunately the incident happened on the same day as her refuge collection! The post office are investigating!
Just in case you have any is true!


Chelle Blögger said...

Now that is offensive.

Here in America the UPS and Fed Ex do similar idiotic things. Once I ordered a very small yet pricey and fragile item online and came home to find it stuck square underneath my welcome mat in front of the door. I am lucky I noticed the lump there or I would have crunched it for sure!

(Oh and this story reminds me that my own "wheelie bin" goes out tonight. :)

Nice blog, btw. If you have time come check mine out!

Chelle B.

The Offended Blogger

Anonymous said...

wot do u mean 'later' if u know something was going to be delivered then you would stay in not got out when it is most likely to come. and anyway how long did it take her to find the note you quoted 'later found'. didn't she see the note when she walk through her flamin door. and how did she know the postman had left it in the wheely bin. iknow it was a stupid thing for the postman to do but i still think that she should of been in.i think that they are both to blame. stupidity.

David John Caswell said...

Hi chelle b
Thanks for your comments. I enjoyed reading about your experience and I have also checked out your blog and left a comment. Please come back soon!


Chelle Blögger said...


Thanks for visiting my blog and not being offended *smiles*. I put you on my blogroll. :)


I'm not sure how the post works over there but here in the states it's much like waiting for the cable guy to show up at his appointed time. You may *think* your delivery is coming on a certain day but there is no guarantee that is will arrive at all.

So if we followed your logic here, half of America would be at a constant stand still waiting for the postman to deliver something haha!

Chelle B.
The Offended Blogger

Middle Ditch said...

The post is dreadful. How many scripts I have not lost in the post? I have lost count. I now only send them with special delivery. I know that at least they will arrive. If they will be read is another matter.

Middle Ditch said...

Thanks David, for visiting my blog. The serial is also available on on their programme called cozy fun paris. An Internet radio station also is going to broadcast the serial. Keep in touch.

virtual nexus said...

Welcome aboard, Dave - I've been blogging since Nov 4.

I remember reading about the Peto Institute and 'Patterning' way back - and am now racking my brains to think what the context was!(Possibly a child's life story re autism?).

All the best with the blog and your wider contacts.

David John Caswell said...

Hi middle ditch,
Thanks for your comments..I will keep in touch!
I will also return and listen to some more of your broadcasts.
Speak to you soon.
I will put your blog on my 'blogs to browse'...A great honour ha ha

David John Caswell said...

Hi Julie,
Thanks for taking a look at my blog and reading my profile.
I will take a browse at yours when I get a moment.
Speak to you soon.

Anonymous said...

very good site from glen

Middle Ditch said...

Thank you Davis for putting Middle Ditch as a link on your blog. I'm honoured. For someone who is new to this game you are doing rather well.

David John Caswell said...

Dear middle ditch,
I think your blog more than deserves a link on my blog.
Keep up the good work!