Thursday, December 6, 2007

Joys of Christmas?

Is Christmas what it was?
With today's over commercialisation, has it not become a time to justify over indulgence, extravagance and greed? Parents spending what they can't afford on expensive presents for their children, to compensate for their inadequacies as a parent. Our capitalist society has convinced us under the pretext of 'giving', that possessions and 'buying power' are king! What children need is love, understanding and above all your time.
I am not a religious person, but was Christmas something to do with the birth of Jesus?
What has that got to do with stripping the supermarket shelves of food, covering your house with flashing lights and drinking yourself silly?


Chelle Blögger said...

Ello again John (like my British accent?) Thanks for popping over at my blogs.

This is a great topic, and I have an opinion to offer! :)

As a (non-churched, annoyed with organized religion and traditions of men) Christian, I believe that Christmas has been usurped by Satan, the devil, the dragon, the serpent, Lucifer, et al.

Many names, same a$$hole, one agenda.

In the Greek, ANTI literally means instead of, not against. Satan is instead-of-christ. He wants to be Christ and is very deceptive and has at every turn taken worship away from the true Christ and directed it toward himself. Our Father warned us over and over not to be deceived, but who listens to Him anyway?

The sheeple indulge instead-of-Christ because they are for the most part biblically illiterate and they are on the lookout for a guy with horns and a pitchfork.

Hell, most of them can't see that SANTA is an anagram for SATAN. I mean it doesn't take a genius now, does it? lol

Ok, done preaching. :)

Chelle B.
The Offended Blogger

Middle Ditch said...

I don't really like it myself Dave. In Holland Christmas is a low event without presents and that dinner. It was only when I came here that I learned it the English way. But I still don't like it.

Middle Ditch said...

Are you alright? You haven't been here for a while.

Leigh Russell said...

Sadly, Christmas has gone the way of so much else in our culture, where money seems to be the overriding 'value'.

David John Caswell said...

Hi middle ditch,
Thanks for asking, but I am OK. Just had a busy few days..both kids have been ill and in addition my son has smashed one of the mirrored doors of his wardrobe..these things are meant to try us! have also been doing xmas shopping, despite my thoughts on the subject!
Thanks again & speak to you soon.

David John Caswell said...

Hello Leigh,
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Have looked briefly at your blog, but will return shortly for a closer look.
David C

David John Caswell said...

Hi chelle,
I never realised that SATAN was an anagram of apt! Really good comments & I agree.
See you soon,

Chelle Blögger said...

(please David, don't be alarmed by my new profile picture, but I am in love with Father Jack at the moment (FECK OFF CUP!) haha I just love British and Irish humor...)

Isn't it odd we all go through life and not notice SANTA spells SATAN if you move the N???

It's like an special Christmas episode of the Twilight Zone! :p

Anonymous said...

how the person posting this can have these sentements when he spends a fortune on himself and kids i don`t know

David John Caswell said...

Dear 'My Friend Mr Anonymous',
It depends on what you mean by a fortune! Very little in comparison with lovely new cars & luxurious foreign holidays! I think you must be confusing me with some other 'Over indulgent fool'. I only spend what I can afford and what is reasonable.