Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thirst quenching sandwich?

I was in the supermarket yesterday and I overheard an irrate woman at customer services.

She was discussing the ingredients on the back of a pack of ham.

"I can't believe this pack of ham contains 70% water!"

She went on to exclaim....

"Why, it's not ham, it's 'ham flavoured water!"

I'm not sure she realised how funny her comment was, but it amused me!


Middle Ditch said...

Sorry to learn about all your troubles. Yes, kids eh? Mine have flown the nest but they will both be here this Christmas. I can't wait.

I also found the ham story amusing.

Chelle Blögger said...

Eww for some reason this reminded me of my mom's love of pickled pig's feet. I never could get past the idea that pigs stood in poo all day haha..I never even tried them.

I know, it's not the WHOLE foot but still! *blech*

FANCY said...

Hello David...

*LOL*...I laughing to this situation, I get some flash back, I think I have done that to...but, the woman you write about is not me :)...I admit, guilty like a shameless mouse who is stealing my water with taste of ham ...;-)

David John Caswell said...

Dear Fancy,
Thank you for visiting..glad you were amused.
Have had a browse at your blog and like the lonely christmas tree and the lip image.
Certainly my kind of tree...not too much effort required!