Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saving grace?

Kevin Keegan takes over for the second time at Premiership football club Newcastle Utd. Is the ex England manager really going to bring success to a club that so desperately craves it? Here are a few of his one-liners! Does he really inspire confidence?

'The ref was vertically 15 yards away.'

'There are two schools of thought on the way the rest of this half is going to develop; everybody's got their own opinion...'

'Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties.'

'The game has gone rather scrappy as both sides realise they could win this match or lose it.'

'I don't think there's anyone bigger or smaller than Maradona.'

'They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different'

'You can't do better than go away from home and get a draw...'

'There'll be no siestas in Madrid tonight.'

'...using his strength. And that is his strength, his strength.'

'Gary always weighed up his options, especially when he had no choice.'

'Chile have three options - they could win or they could lose.'

'That would have been a goal if it wasn't saved.'

'A tremendous strike which hit the defender full on the arm - and it nearly came off.'

'The substitute is about to come on - he's a player who was left out of the starting line-up today.'

'I know what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is. But the onus is on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon.'

'The 33 or 34-year-olds will be 36 or 37 by the time the next World Cup comes around, if they're not careful.'

'England have the best fans in the world and Scotland's fans are second-to-none'

'It's understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and another up the chimney.'

'I'd love to be a mole on the wall in the Liverpool dressing room at half-time.'

'They're the second best team in the world, and there's no higher praise than that.'

'Football's always easier when you've got the ball'

'I want more from David Beckham. I want him to improve on perfection.'

'The tide is very much in our court now.'

'There's a slight doubt about only one player, and that's Tony Adams, who definitely won't be playing tomorrow.'

'The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23'

'I've had an interest in racing all my life, or longer really.'

'Danny Tiatto is not going to make a mistake on purpose'

'You need 88 points for the title and we've got 61 at present with 16 games to go, but if you set targets you limit yourself'

'We deserved to win this game after hammering them 0-0 in the first half'

'He's got a heart as big as his size, which isn't big, but his heart's bigger than that'

'Well, if that's true then it would be a big suprise, but then nothing surprises me in football these days.'

'You get bunches of players like you do bananas, though that is a bad comparison.'

'Not many teams will come to Arsenal and get anything, home or away'

'Nicolas Anelka left Arsenal for £23million and they built a training ground on him'

'Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it stayed where it is...'


Unknown said...

Thank you for the comment! I'm also a photographer. I have a link to my photos from my blog. Have a great day!

David John Caswell said...

Dear Joette,
Great to hear from you. I really became interested in photography when I got a digital camera many years ago. Just enjoyed being able to see the photographs straight away. Gradually gained interest in Adobe Photophop...have you ever used it? Would like a digital SLR...maybe one day! Will take a look at your photo's when I get a moment.
Keep in touch.

Style Police said...

The timed essay on the day at EH was (last yr) from a choice of 4 topics, all based around the role of the midwife. It was a 30 minute essay & no matter how keen she is to get scribbling, she needs to write a few bullet points at the beginning under the heading 'essay plan'.

You can't really plan & finish an essay on an unseen topic in 30 minutes, but if the plan is there, then they can see what she WAS going to say. She should be able to fill 3 or 4 sides of A4 in the 30 minutes (if she can think on her feet, she should be able to for midwifery) & it doesn't hurt to learn the NMC definition of a midwife, as you can sling this into almost ANY essay.

Role of the Midwife will probably be an essay topic option (has been almost every year recently) & your daughter needs to include:

preconception advice
early pregnancy advice
lifestyle choices (smoking, drugs, booze)
labour & intrapartum care
postnatal care
breastfeeding support
parentcraft classes
choices for feeding the neonate
choices for birth environment
choices for analgesia in labour
informed consent
evidence based care

Hope that helps!

Your daughter has, i'm assuming, found Student Midwives Sanctuary online? That site is brilliant & a must-join for interview tips & advice.

Let me know how she does!

David John Caswell said...

Hi Agatha,
Thanks for your prompt reply. May of misled fault. She has applied for both the child and adult nursing, but child nursing is her preferred option. I know this is not the area you applied for, but I was surprised that your topics were all to do with the role of a midwife. I read on another site that the essays at edge hill are usually on subjects nothing to do with nursing! Any further advice would be appreciated.
Look forward to your reply.
Thanks again.

Style Police said...

Ah, well the essay thing may well be true with the nursing interviews... but not with midwifery, as so many people want to do midwifery 'because I love babies' - so it's a good way of weeding them out.

I would encourage her to join
if she hasn't already, so she can gets a heads up on what to expect.

Fingers crossed for her. Also, if she's applied to do child & adult, she's going to have to sell herself more for child (if that's her preference) without totally ignoring adult - tricky!

Monique said...

Loved those silly comments. Football managers are not exactly known for their brains are they?

David John Caswell said...

Dear Agatha,
Thanks for all your help and I will tell her about the web site.

David John Caswell said...

Hi Monique,
All the stress must have an affect on their common sense!
See you soon.