Monday, July 21, 2008

Unconditional Love.

I recently read a moving article in the July edition of Candis. In it Lauren Booth described how, as an adult, she broke off all contact with her Mother, after a difficult Mother-Daughter relationship that started to go wrong as early as when she was two!
Lauren seemed to put it down to the fact that she looked and sounded too like her father Tony Booth, who was very famous for his role in 'Till Death Us Do Part'. Lauren even described her mothers feeling towards her as hate.

One thing that particularly stuck in my mind was her description of her Mother's reaction, when at the age of twelve, she proudly produced her school report. A quote from her year tutor read, 'Quite simply, Lauren is an asset to the class'. After reading the report and exhaling a single word in a cloud of cigarette smoke: 'Creep'.
I can only imagine at what such a comment would do to a young girl, especially from her mother! Now a mother herself, I can only identify with her delight, as her daughter Holly ran up to her, flung her arms around her, saying 'Mummy, you are really, really nice!'

Such a simple statement may not sound much, but the love of a child is one of the the most amazing things in this world! As adults, whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly judging people and having deep rooted unconscious thoughts about them.

A child is completely different, all they need is your time, for you to show an interest in them and to show them love. What do you get in return is worth all the money in the world... their unconditional love. Something to be nurtured and treasured for a lifetime.

My daughter Kim will be eighteen in a couple of days time and as I look back over the last eighteen years, I am proud to say that not only is she the best daughter I could have ever asked for, but she is one of my best friends. Thanks Kim.


Monique said...

I have two beautiful daughters and it's hard to imagine to be disowned. That mother surely deserved that after such an utterance reading the school report. Awful.

About the food waste? I work in a boarding school and the food those children waste. It's almost criminal.

It sounds to me, Dave, that your daughter is a credit to you.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Monique,
Thank you for your kind comments. It must be really interesting working in a boarding school! Is real life as colourful as your fictional educational establishment?

Middle Ditch said...

I had that all wrong. You are a credit to your daughter. Oh dear. Brains not quite as it was.

Real life at the boarding school is even more colourful Dave, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

creep hehe only kidding u mean the world 2 me :)

KB said...

What a terrible comment to make to a child. Thank you for sharing.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Middle Ditch,
I find it hard to believe it can be more colourful. Do some of your fictional tales have a foundation of truth? If so it would be fascinating to which! I think I am just nosey!


David John Caswell said...

Hi kb,
Isn't it! I really couldn't believe anyone could say such a thing to a child! There are so many horrible people in this world..good job there are more nice ones! Glad to hear you had a good holiday! Our turn now, we are going to Lanzarote...let you know how we get on.


Middle Ditch said...

I only just found out that you have been to episode two.

Mostly fiction, I'm afraid David, but I try to keep countryside issues in.


much2ponder said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today...I think we are in agreement here when it comes to children and the need for unconditional love. I am reminded of many stories of my own childhood as I read your words.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Much2ponder,
I would be fascinated to hear more sometime. A young child's view point on life never ceases to intrigue me. Such a small thing to us can make such an impression on a small mind. Speak to you soon.