Saturday, August 23, 2008

Malone Outrage!

Carole Malone's outrageous comments in the News Of The World on August 17th condemn her to the depths of gutter journalism. This relates to her comments on Colin Stagg and his £706,000 compensation payout for being accused of the murder of Rachel Nickell. She describes Colin Stagg as "unsavoury and unlikable", as well as stating "as much as it pains me to say it, he is entitled to compensation". Malone also goes on to question if Colin Stagg would have achieved anything notable in the last 15 years that justified a reasonable salary. The series of events that followed the tragic death of Rachel have resulted in poor Colin Stagg being condemned as a national hate figure and unable to get a job, something that is going to affect him for the rest of his life! It sounds a lot of money, but do you think it is worth the media attention he has had to endure, the humiliation, to be shunned by society.

God help you if your background is less than perfect, you are accused of a serious crime and a narrow minded bigot like Carole Malone is on the jury! The majority of her comments have nothing to do with justification for compensation, in fact I feel she has little appreciation of what compensation is all about! Her opinion amounts to nothing more than a character assassination of a man unable to defend himself.

It must be devastating to be accused of murder, especially of one so brutal and callous.


Middle Ditch said...

I cannot imagine what it must be like.

It's like Gill Dando's accused man, I forget his name, who also spend years in jail, innocent. Just because he was slightly different, simple minded and poorly educated the jury was convinced by some very clever lawyers that he was the guilty man.

This was such a tragedy like the Birmingham 6. You would think that something like this wouldn't happen anymore, wouldn't you?

Those men lost years of their life. Money wont bring that back but at least it's something.

Good post

David John Caswell said...

Dear Middle Ditch,
I always think people are very ignorant when they try and make an argument for bringing back the death penalty.
Thanks again for your interesting points.