Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cruelty or curiosity.

Cruelty or curiosity, torture or medical experiment, justice or revenge?

What if you caught your child burning ants with a magnifying glass? Would I bother you less than if you found him torturing a mouse with a soldering iron? How about the family cat or even his own sister?

Does Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the infamous Guantanamo detainee who says he personally beheaded reporter Daniel Pearl, deserve the rights he denied Mr Pearl? And if so which? A painless execution? Exemption from capital punishment? Decent prison conditions?


Middle Ditch said...

The answer from me is: I don't know.

I would definitely scold my child for harming innocent animals, that's for sure but an eye for an eye?

I'm just not sure.

Great post though.

David John Caswell said...

Dear Middle Ditch,

I think a crime deserves punishment, but I would draw the line at retribution, or society becomes no better than the person who perpetrated the original crime.
Thanks so much for your comments. I'm looking forward to catching up on your blogs in the next couple of days.